- away-from-the-table play
- off table play
- 远台 far from the table
- 打法 play
- 近台打法 close table play; close-table play; stay-at-the-table game
- 远台 (乒乓球) far from the table◇远台长抽(球) long drive; off-table drive; 远台打法 away-from-the table play; 远台防守 long defense; far-from-table defense; off-table defence; 远台削球 off-table chop; away-from-the table chop
- 打法 (游戏、比赛中的花招) play
- 远台长抽 long driveoff-table drive
- 远台防守 far-from-table defence
- 远台快球 speed long
- 远台削球 off table chop
- 后台打印 background printing
- 分台,分局,边远台站 out station
- 长打法 long
- 短打法 short
- 击打法 beating
- 搅打法 churning process
- 拍打法 clapping
- 苏打法 soda process
- 控制台打印机 bar console typewriter; cabinet printer; cabinet typewirter; console printer
- 控制台打字机 co ole typewriter; console printer adapter; console typewriter
- 远台防守中反攻 far defence with attack
- 杆式控制台打字机 bar console typewriter
- 控制台打字机监督 console monitor typewriter
- 控制台打字机键盘 console typewriter keyboard
- 链式控制台打字机 chain console type writer
- 球形控制台打印机 spheroidal control desk printer