(乒乓球) far from the table ◇远台长抽(球) long drive; off-table drive; 远台打法 away-from-the table play; 远台防守 long defense; far-from-table defense; off-table defence; 远台削球 off-table chop; away-from-the table chop
远水救世主不了近火 distant water won’t put out a fire at hand
远水救不了近火 distant water can't put out [quench] a nearby fire.; a slow remedy can not meet an urgency.; distant waters are powerless against near fires.; water from afar wouldn't help quench a fire nearby
远水解不了近渴 distant water cannot quench present thirst; slowness can not meet hasty demand.; the aid is too slow in coming to be of any help
Reduce to maintain not less than 180 knots until the out marker 减小到180节并保持直到远台。