associate with the distant countries and attack the near ones; befriend the distant enemy while attacking the enemy near home; keep friendly relations with distant states and attack those nearby
No doubt the leaders in bangkok acted as they did--in the thai tradition of relying on a distant strong country to balance a nearby danger . 曼谷领导人显然是运用泰国传统的远交近攻的策略。
So this doctoral thesis tries to provide her with an academic suggestion : the strategy for northeast asia should be yuan jiao jin gong , for middle asia should be fan ke wei zhu , for southern asia should be he xiao gong da , for southeast asia should be qian yi mo hua 作者以匹夫之勇并尽匹夫之责地指出,中国对东北亚的战略当是远交近攻,对中亚的战略当是反客为主,对南亚的战略当是合小攻大,对东南亚的战略当是潜移默化。