远交近攻 associate with the distant countries and attack the near ones; befriend the distant enemy while attacking the enemy near home; keep friendly relations with distant states and attack those nearby
远郊 outer suburbs; outskirts 在东京远郊 in the outer suburbs of tokyo; 这个风景区位于北京的西北远郊。 the scenic spot is on northwestern outskirts of beijing
The more unrelated cats you combine , the more outcrossed your offspring will be 你结合的无亲缘关系的猫越多,那么繁育出来的猫咪远交的程度就越高。
Yet the cats should be somewhat related , as the more you outcross , the lesser the type will be 然而猫咪之间也需要有一定的关系,因为远交的程度越高,就越难保持血统特征。
The optimal degree of outbreeding remained the same in every 25 - year generation since 1800 , although the overall number of children from marriages of every degree of relatedness did drop gradually over time ? an observation that accounts for part of iceland ' s demographic transition , and which probably has a social explanation 从19世纪开始,每25年一代的远交的最优化程度一直没变,尽管每一种亲缘程度的婚姻的子女总数量在随时间逐步下降冰岛人口结构转化显而易见的一部分原因,另一部分解释来自社会学角度。