All our pilgrims looked on and commented on the expert way in which the whip was handled . 那些进香客,全都在一旁观看,并且在一旁评短论长说这条鞭子运用得真是十分巧妙。
Early in the afternoon we overtook another procession of pilgrims; but in this one was no merriment, no jokes, no laughter, no playful ways, nor any happy giddiness, whether of youth or age . 过午不久,我们又追上了另一群进香客;但这些人里头,可没有说说笑笑的,没有打哈哈的,没有闹着玩儿的,也没有快活得晕头搭脑的,无论是少年人,还是老年人。
All our pilgrims looked on and commented on the expert way in which the whip was handled 那些进香客,全都在一旁观看,并且在一旁评短论长? ?说这条鞭子运用得真是十分巧妙。
Buddhism is no different in this aspect and all over the world there are many representations of buddha that are worshipped with countless pilgrims paying homage daily 佛教在这一方面也是一样的,全世界有许多的佛像被无数的进香客供养。