Montayne will give us a big boost moneywise, which we sure as hell need . 蒙太尼将在进项方面给我们以极大推动,这当然是我们所急需的。
I had been entitled to six thousand marks annually as a member of prussian council of state . 我当上普鲁士州议会议员以来,每年获六千马克进项。
Yet because security was a non-revenue-producing function, its position on the priority list for additional funds was low . 不过,安全部本身是个无进项可谋的部门,要审请额外经费就得换在别人后面。
In itself , this small sum seemed a fortune 这小小的进项似乎成了一笔大财产。
And all the money she ' s going to bring in to the company 以及她为公司带来的进项干杯
And all the money she ' s going to bring in to the company 以及她为公司带来的进项干杯
Two new files were generated and added to the project 生成两个新文件并添加进项目中:
Turn off the lcd monitor and use the viewfinder to shoot 关闭lcd显示器,利用探视镜进项拍摄。
Amount transferred out from vat on purchase 进项税额转出数
Doesn t go properly . keyes : two months if i get nannetti to 只要南尼蒂那儿顺顺当当,我就能有两个月的进项。