不愿意或不能够切实进行调查或起诉 unwilling or unable genuinely to carry out the investigation or prosecution
Even adjusting for measurement errors, these results are striking . 既使对统计误差进行调整之后,这些结果也仍然是惊人的。
Observed values of potential are adjusted by extrapolation to fit this assumption . 为了适应这种假设,对观测到的电位值用外推方法进行调整。
Since the data are available on a quarterly basis we must first deseasonalize the time series . 由于数据随季节而变化,所以必须对时间数列进行调整。
All values here are expressed in current prices, and are not adjusted to correct for inflation . 这里所有的数值都按现行价格表示,并没有进行调整以剔除通货膨胀因素。
Also, in prior years, adjustment of the signal-generator and torque-generator stator mechanical radial positions was required . 前些年对信号发生器和转矩发生器定子的机械半径位置也要进行调整。
A trade-off is necessary between the very heavy equipment costs associated with automation on the one hand and the test-program costs on the other . 在由自动化带来的极高的设备费用和试验计划的费用之间必须进行调整。
Its strength may be adjusted to the request of the customer 强度可随客户之要求进行调整。
Tare and zero adjustment can also be performed via the keys 皮重和零点也可以通过按键进行调整。
You can make adjustments to the program while in break mode 您可以在中断模式下对程序进行调整。
Jackson underwent his second hip replacement surgery in june 杰克逊将在六月对他的队员进行调整。