- 进款 income; receipts
- 统计 statistics; census; numerica ...
- 收入,进款 taking
- 非运输进款 non-transportation income
- 公家进款 public receipt
- 进款检查处 audit department
- 进款检查室 audit office
- 进款损失 loss in revenue
- 进款总额 gross receipts
- 美元进款额 dollar volume of receipts
- 杂项进款 miscellaneous credits
- 收益,收入,所得,营业进款,赢利,进款,报酬 earnings
- 计划进款制度 planned revenue system
- 提前使用进款 anticipate one's income ie spend money before receiving it
- 铁路进款资金 railway income capital
- 统计 1.(对有关数据的搜集、整理、计算和分析) statistics; census; numerical statement; vital statistics 人口统计 census; vital statistics; 据官方统计 according to official statistics; 据不完全统计 according to incomplete statistics; 统计显示, 这个国家人口在十年内将增加一倍。 statistics suggest that the population of this country will double in ten years' time.2.(总括地计算) add up; count 统计出席人数 count up the number of people present (at a meeting, etc.); 统计选票 count the votes; 统计报单 statistical copy; 统计表 statistical chart; statistical table; statistical graph; returns; 统计抽样 statistical sampling; 统计地图 statistical map; 统计方法 statistical method; 统计分析 statistic analysis; 统计力学 statistical mechanics; 统计数列 statistical series; 统计数字 census; statistical figures; statistics; 统计说明 statistical description; 统计图 cartogram; 统计图表 statistical diagram; statistical table; statistical chart; statistical graph; 统计信息 statistical information; 统计语言学 statistical linguistics; 统计员 statistician; 统计资料 statistical data
- 预收进款, 预收收益 preaid income
- 运输收入, 运输进款 transportation revenue
- 违约赔偿金和罚款条款统一规则 uniform rules on liquidated damages and penalty clauses
- 营业收入帐户[会计], 收益帐, 进款帐 revenue account
- 统计,统计学 statistics
- 统计;统计资料 statistics
- 统计量;统计的 statistic
- 统计学;统计法 statistics
- 核统计 nuclear statistics