A cashier ran away with the day 's takings . 出纳员偷走了当天的进款。
Reluctantly edwina studied the income and expenses figures . 埃德温娜不太情愿地查着进款和出项两栏数字。
A person's income can be taken without qualification as equal to his receipts . 一个人的收入可以看作等于他的进款而无所增减。
There were five chief sources of habsburg finance, and several smaller ones . 哈布斯堡家族有五项主要的财政来源,另有一些小项进款。
You wouldn't be such a flat as to let three thousand a year go out of the family ? 难道你愿意家里少三千磅一年的进款吗?你不能这么胡涂吧?
I had no settled income, so spending upon the main stock was but a certain kind of bleeding to death . 我没有一定的进款,这样子用我唯一的款项简直等于放血。
The first approximation would make everything depend on the capitalized money value of the individual's prospective receipts . 第一种近似意义是以个人预期进款的资本化的货币价值为其中心。
Indeed, seeing that his expenditure was only one-fourth of his income, he might have been called a prosperous man . 因为他的进款,只用四分之一就够他用度了,所以他实在可以算得上是一个发财的人。
After we ' ve closed , we count the day ' s takings 关门之后,我们点数一天的进款。
A cashier ran away with the day ' s takings 出纳员偷走了当天的进款