

  • approach flight
  • approach land
  • landing approach operation
  • runway approach



  • 例句与用法
  • Approach and landing aids
  • Application of phased array technology in one station controls several vehicles of pilotless aircraft
  • The landing test included overhead approaches as well as straight in approaches from normal , high , low , and laterally offset starts
  • And the system has brought our army the independent security in the landing of russian pattern fighters , with a great military and economic benefit
  • In this paper , the method vision - based for uav autonomous landing is researched using technology of image processing , computer vision and projection geometry . the first task of computer vision - based uav autonomous landing is to recognize and track the runway using computer vision . a simple method is discussed to recognize and track the runway in the image sequences using template matching
    本文的研究工作来源于“ 973 -无人作战飞机系统”项目,以某型无人机试飞过程中拍摄的着陆场景图像为基本研究材料,综合利用了图像处理技术、计算机视觉技术、射影几何学等方法研究了跑道识别与跟踪、进场着陆段的图像处理、无人机着陆段飞行参数提取等相关问题。
  • A large planar microphone array , which consists of 111 microphones , was successfully applied to obtain a two - dimensional mapping of the sound sources on a landing aircraft . the focus of study in this paper is on the landing gear noise source . the spectra , directivities and sound pressure levels of flap side - edge noise of 7 narrow - board commercial aircraft and 7 wide - board commercial aircraft are presented . it is found that the landing gear noise spectrum is broadband with some single tones in some cases . the directivity of the total sound pressure level of a landing gear noise resembles that of a horizontal dipole . the level differences between the various aircraft landing gears are larger than those expected from the airspeed differences . it is thus expected that the louder noise emission of the landing gears can be reduced by redesigning
  • Abstract : a large planar microphone array , which consists of 111 microphones , was successfully applied to obtain a two - dimensional mapping of the sound sources on a landing aircraft . the focus of study in this paper is on the landing gear noise source . the spectra , directivities and sound pressure levels of flap side - edge noise of 7 narrow - board commercial aircraft and 7 wide - board commercial aircraft are presented . it is found that the landing gear noise spectrum is broadband with some single tones in some cases . the directivity of the total sound pressure level of a landing gear noise resembles that of a horizontal dipole . the level differences between the various aircraft landing gears are larger than those expected from the airspeed differences . it is thus expected that the louder noise emission of the landing gears can be reduced by redesigning
  • 其他语种释义
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