- 进场 march into the arena approac ...
- 挣 struggle to get free; strugg ...
- 空 leave empty or blank; empty; ...
- 区 H region; H
- 进场净空区 flight-approach area
- 空区 gap; sap; skip area
- 进场 1.(进入场地) march into the arena2.[航空] approach 进场失败 missed approach; 进场次序 [航空] approach sequence; 进场待令飞机 approach sequence aircraft; 进场导航 approach navigation; 进场管理 approach control; 进场管理设备 approach control facility; 进场管理塔 approach control tower; 进场管理业务 approach control service; 进场管理员 approach controller; 进场航向 [航空] approach course; approach lane; 进场路线 approach course; 进场区 approach zone; 进场图 approach pattern; 进场信标 approach beacon; approach marker beacon; 进场指挥雷达 approach control radar (acr); 进场指示器 approach indicator
- 采空区 [采矿工程] goaf; gob; stull; learies; worked-out section
- 防空区 ada air defence area; air defense area; air defense district; air defense region
- 真空区 airless space; empty space; region of no pressure
- 采空区充填 goaf filling; goaf stowing; gob stowing
- 采空区臭味 gob stink
- 采空区处理 goaf management
- 采空区底板 gob floor
- 采空区废石 gob
- 采空区火灾 gob fire
- 采空区落顶 gob caving
- 采空区平巷 bog; gate way; gob heading
- 采空区脱气 goaf degasification
- 采空区着火 gobfire
- 程序空区 program skip
- 充填采空区 bashing
- 地震空区 seismic gap
- 防空区域 ads (air defense sector); air defense shield
- 飞机防空区 airplane defense area