

  • imported goods



  • 例句与用法
  • Will you please let us have a list of items that you import
  • The dollar value of merchandise exports is recorded as a plus ( credit ) , and the dollar value of merchandise imports is recorded as a minus ( debit )
    出口的商品被记录为正数(贷方) ,进口的商品被记录为负数(借方) 。
  • Direct investment in the rest of asia by china has risen at an average annual rate of 20 percent in recent years
    2003年,中国从亚洲国家和地区进口的商品总额达到2729亿美元,同比增长42 4 ,从东盟、日本、韩国、印度的进口增长均在35以上。
  • Rather than welcoming these bargains , importing countries tend to cry foul and raise anti - dumping duties . but how do they know that an import is too cheap
  • Another reason why even a big rise in the yuan would do little to reduce america ' s deficit is that there is little overlap between american and chinese production , so american goods cannot replace chinese imports
  • The price will not apply if the imports are included in the list of goods controlled by the state , or if the foreign trade contract does not meet any of the conditions provided for in point 1 of part iii of circular 08 / 2002 / tt - btc
    如果进口货物是在国家控制进口的商品列表中,或是外贸合同不符合08 / 2002 / tt - btc中第三部分第一条的任何条件,价格将不适用。
  • The main scopes of operation are import and export all kinds of products and technology according to the rules of the government . ? it includes mechanical and electrical products , metal materials , electrical household appliances , agricultural products , foods , general merchandise , building materials , electronics and electricity components , rubber materials and products , knit and textile goods , compute and its parts and relative services of technology and consultation
  • For previously imported goods , the quoted price shall be distinguishable from the original import value of these goods declared to customs and shall include any rebate or mark - up of the local agent or representative and all local costs except import duties and taxes , which have been and / or have to be paid by the purchaser
  • The total purchases include : ( 1 ) agricultural and industrial products purchased from producers ; ( 2 ) books , magazines and newspapers purchased from distribution departments of the publishers ; ( 3 ) commodities purchased from wholesale and retail establishments of different status of registration ; ( 4 ) commodities purchased from other units , such as surplus materials purchased from government agencies , enterpriese or institutions , commodities purchased from catering and service establishments , confiscated goods purchased from customs authorities or market management agencies , second - hand goods and wastes purchased from residents ; and ( 5 ) commodities directly imported from abroad
    商品购进总额包括: ( 1 )从工农业生产者购进的商品; ( 2 )从出版社、报社的出版发行部门购进的图书、杂志和报纸; ( 3 )从各种经济类型的批发零售贸易企业(单位)购进的商品; ( 4 )从其他单位购进的商品,如从机关、团体、企业、单位购进的剩余物资,从餐饮业、服务业购进的商品,从海关、市场管理部门购进的缉私和没收的商品,从居民收购的废旧商品等; ( 5 )从国(境)外直接进口的商品
  • The total purchases include : ( 1 ) agricultu ral and industrial products purchased from producers ; ( 2 ) books , magazines and n ewspapers purchased from distribution departments of the publishers ; ( 3 ) commodi ties purchased from wholesale and retail establishments ; ( 4 ) commodities purchas ed from other units , such as surplus materials purchased from government agencie s , enterprises or institutions , commodities purchased from catering and service establishments , confiscated goods purchased from customs authorities or market management agencies , second ? hand goods and wastes purchased from residents ; and ( 5 ) commodities directly imported from abroad
    商品购进总额包括: ( 1 )从工农业生产者购进的商品; ( 2 )从出版社、报社的出版发行部门购进的图书、杂志和报纸; ( 3 )从各种经济类型的批发零售贸易企业(单位)购进的商品; ( 4 )从其他单位购进的商品,如从机关、团体、企业单位购进的剩余物资,从餐饮业、服务业购进的商品,从海关、市场管理部门购进的缉私和没收的商品,从居民收购的废旧商品等; ( 5 )从国(境)外直接进口的商品
  • 推荐英语阅读
进口的商品的英文翻译,进口的商品英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译进口的商品,进口的商品的英文意思,進口的商品的英文进口的商品 meaning in English進口的商品的英文进口的商品怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
