登记 register; check in; enter one's name 结婚登记 marriage registration; 登记入册 be registered on the books; 在旅馆登记住宿 check in at a hotel; 在学校注册簿上登记姓名 enter names in the register of the school; 该俱乐部正式登记的成员有多少? how many members have officially registered in the club?; 登记标志 [工业] register mark; 登记标准 listing standard; 登记表(册) enrollment; 登记簿 register; accession; accession book; 登记处 registration [registry] office; 登记法 registration law; 登记费 registration fee; 登记公债 registered bond; 登记股东 stockholder of record; 登记柜 a chench-in counter; 登记会计师 certified public accountant; 登记机 tell-table; 登记码 poll code; 登记宽度 [船舶工程] register breadth; 登记人 registrant; 登记日期 date of registration; 登记商标 trademark; 登记税 registration tax; 登记通讯表 polling list; 登记证 registration; 登记证明书 certificate of ownership [registration]
After launching an investigation , mofcom may take necessary measures , such as imposing import registration onto related imported products , where sufficient evidence exists pointing to the existence of the two circumstances listed above at the same time , in order to collect retroactive anti - dumping duties 商务部发起调查后,有充分证据证明前款所列两种情形并存的,可以对有关进口产品采取进口登记等必要措施,以便追溯征收反倾销税。