- 这 this
- 小伙子 youngster; lad; young fellow ...
- 有 5年 fifteen years
- 股 thigh; haunches
- 牛劲 great strength; tremendous e ...
- 干 trunk; main part
- 一件事 a matter; a thing
- 就 come near; move towards
- 非 mistake; wrong; errors
- 干到底 fight to the bitter end
- 这小伙子干活有股傻劲儿 that youngster works with a will
- 嗬,这小伙子真棒! Oh,what a fine young chap!
- 嗬这小伙子真棒 oh what a fine young chap
- 吃力地干一件事 labor at a task have a hard job doing a thing
- 这小伙子干活真尽心 this guy is really conscientious in his work
- 这小伙子个头儿不小 this young chap is very tall
- 放手让某人干一件事 give afreehand; give sb a free hand
- 派去干一件事, 派去办事 send sb on an errand
- 小伙子 [口语] youngster; lad; young fellow; young chap; stripling
- 干到底 go the big figure; go through
- 我要作的第一件事就是 the first thing that i’d like to do
- 放胆让表示不知道那个人干一件事 give sb a free hand
- 棒小伙子 a very strong young man
- 大小伙子 a young chap
- 好小伙子 good egg