waterside pavilion; a favourable position; terrace and pavilion near the water -- convenient access
近水楼台先得月 be “waterfront towers, the first to catch the moon” -- first come, first served; a waterfront pavilion gets the moonlight first -- the advantage of being in a favored position.; a person in a favourable position gains special advantages.; those on the waterfront are the first to see the rising moon -- enjoy the benefits of a favorable position
Before olympic tourists benefit from the massive construction of the beijing and tianjin high - speed railway , local residents will be able to enjoy the ride 当地居民将比奥运旅游者近水楼台,抢先一步从京津高速铁路大规模的建设中受益
Generations of eminent people here have set up a model for university students to grow up independently ; the culture of nature and stone - sculpture greatly edify and promote the university students ; the modern hydroelectric project of sanxia is also a favourable position for them to motivate their innovative spirit and practice 三峡历代名人文化为大学生做人成才提供了自强的灵气和成才的范式;三峡山水文化、石刻文化为大学生陶冶性情、提升人格提供了丰饶的营养大餐;三峡现代水电工程文化为培养大学生创新精神与创新能力提供了近水楼台。
近水楼台的法语:pavillon au bord de l'eau(où l'on a la priorité de voir le reflet de la lune);être le premier à bénéficier des avantages à cause de sa position favorable;situation avantageuse
近水楼台的日语:〈成〉役得のある地位についているたとえ,または何かをするのに便利な場所?地位にあるたとえ.▼“近水楼台先得 dé 月”(水辺にある高閣は月見にもってこいである)を略したもの.
近水楼台的韩语:【성어】 물가에 있는 누대에 제일 먼저 달빛이 비친다; 위치나 관계가 가까운 사람이 더 많은 덕을 본다. [‘近水楼台先得月’의 준말]
近水楼台的俄语:[jìnshuǐ lóutái] обр. находиться в благоприятных условиях; занимать выгодное положение