近水楼台先得月 be “waterfront towers, the first to catch the moon” -- first come, first served; a waterfront pavilion gets the moonlight first -- the advantage of being in a favored position.; a person in a favourable position gains special advantages.; those on the waterfront are the first to see the rising moon -- enjoy the benefits of a favorable position
近水知鱼性,近山识鸟音 He who lives near the water knows the diposition of fish,and he who lives near the hill is acquainted with the sound of birds.The environment in which we live and work influences us in much of what we do.
近水知鱼性,近山识鸟音 he who lives near the water knows the diposition of fish, and he who lives near the hill is acquainted with the sound of birds.; the environment in which we live and work influences us in much of what we do
Might ship water under high - speed taxi pressure . he will not take 可能会由于高速滑行的压力而近水
Likes to hover and perch near water 喜欢于近水处盘旋歇息
. . . might ship water under high - speed taxi pressure . he will not take . . 可能会由于高速滑行的压力而近水
A type of palm tree that yields sago . this tree is normally found along riverbanks , swampy areas or areas near water 是一种盛产西米的棕榈树,通常生长于河岸沼泽或近水的地方。
Arriving at midday , my wife , son and i found a spot near the water to avoid the scorching hot sand 我与内人和儿子在正午时分来到美国长岛的琼斯海滩,为了躲开烫人的沙子,我们待在一近水处。
Inhabiting in the forest , meadows and bushes by the waters , the nocturnal herbivores dine out on juicy leaves and aquatic plants 它是性情温和的夜行草食动物,爱吃多汁的草类和沼地的植物,栖息在近水的森林及草地、灌丛中。
Nanning international hotel is located in the bank of nanning lake , beside the beautiful senery district . near is the new address of the government of nanning , opposite the zhuang clan autonomous region building of guangxi , bank , newspaper office , court etc 广西沃顿国际大酒店矗立于碧波荡漾的南湖之畔,毗邻美丽的青秀山风景区,近水远山,无不带给您舒心的感受。