- time-out error
- to time out error
- 过时 out-of-date; outmoded; obsol ...
- 错误 wrong; mistaken; incorrect; ...
- 编译时错误 compile time error; compile-time error
- 定时错误 timing error; timing extraction
- 临时错误 temporary error
- 瞬时错误 transient errors
- 运行时错误 run time error; runtime errors
- 暂时错误 temporary error
- 边际定时错误 error, marginal timing; marginal timing error
- 运行时错误检查 run time error check
- 运行时错误信息 run time error message
- 在发生登录或超时错误时 on login or timeout error
- 在装入操作系统时错误 error loading operating system
- 在装入作系统时错误 error loading operating system
- 显示运行时错误的内存地址 find error
- 过时 1.(陈旧不合时宜) out-of-date; outmoded; obsolete; antiquated; out of fashion 过时的观念 antiquated ideas; 过时的设备 outmoded equipment; 这种武器早已过时。 this kind of weapon is obsolete.2.(错过规定的时间) past the appointed time 过时作废 null and void after a certain date; 过时商品 obsolete merchandise
- 超时错 time out error
- 实时错 real-time error
- 顿时错乱 [计算机] instant insanity
- 游进时错过球 swimming past ball
- 错误 1.(不正确) wrong; mistaken; incorrect; erroneous 错误的结论 wrong conclusion; 错误言论 erroneous remarks; 错误思潮 erroneous ideological trend; 错误估计形势 make a wrong estimate of the situation; 错误路线 an erroneous line; 错误思想 wrong thinking; a mistaken idea2.(不正确的事物、行为等) mistake; error; blunder; fault; falsehood; [俚语] booboo 犯错误 make a mistake; commit an error; 拼写错误 spelling mistake; 计算错误 make mistakes in calculation; 小错误 a slight [trifling] error; 这一事故是人为错误造成的。 the accident was caused by human error. 这是中国学生学英语最常犯的错误之一。 this is one of the most popular mistakes perpetrated by chinese students of english
- 过时,陈旧 obsolescence
- 过时,误期 behind time
- 过时报 delayed report
- 过时的 antiquated; antique; behind the times; belated; demoded; dismoded; moldy; mossy; neolithic; obsolescent; obsolete; old-fashioned/out of date; out dated; out of fashion; out of season; out of style; out-of-fashion; outmoded; ricky-ticky; stale; stock /a stock jode / stock arguments; timeworn; unfashionable; vintage; well-timed