- 过时 out-of-date; outmoded; obsol ...
- 材料 material
- 时材 tokiki
- 过时 1.(陈旧不合时宜) out-of-date; outmoded; obsolete; antiquated; out of fashion 过时的观念 antiquated ideas; 过时的设备 outmoded equipment; 这种武器早已过时。 this kind of weapon is obsolete.2.(错过规定的时间) past the appointed time 过时作废 null and void after a certain date; 过时商品 obsolete merchandise
- 一时材面硬化 temporary casehardening
- 过时,陈旧 obsolescence
- 过时,误期 behind time
- 过时报 delayed report
- 过时的 antiquated; antique; behind the times; belated; demoded; dismoded; moldy; mossy; neolithic; obsolescent; obsolete; old-fashioned/out of date; out dated; out of fashion; out of season; out of style; out-of-fashion; outmoded; ricky-ticky; stale; stock /a stock jode / stock arguments; timeworn; unfashionable; vintage; well-timed
- 过时费 late fee
- 过时货 baggage
- 过时效 overageing; overaging
- 换季,过时 out of season
- 使过时 outdate; outmode
- 熄灭,过时 go out
- 支持船端框架的临时材 harping
- 材料 1.(原料) material 建筑材料 building material; 原材料 raw material; 廉价材料 cheap materials; 防火材料 fire-resisting material; 橡胶是一种弹性材料。 rubber is an elastic material.2.(资料) data; material 参考材料 reference material; 档案材料 archival material; 第一手材料 firsthand information; 调查材料 data; findings; 搜集材料 gather material; collect data; 学习材料 material for study; 书面材料 written material; 他正在为写陶渊明传记搜集材料。 he is now collecting material for a biography of tao yuanming.3.(适于做某种事的人才) makings; stuff 他不是做教师的材料。 he is not the stuff teachers are made of.; he does not have the makings of a teacher
- 不过时的 future-proof
- 不流行, 过时 out of mode
- 不再流行,过时 out of date
- 超过时间 overtime
- 超过时限 overstepping the time limit
- 陈旧(建筑),过时(建筑) obsolescence
- 成为过时 obsolesce
- 初过时间 first passage time