- behaving stealthily like a thief; treacherous looks; stealthy; furtive
- 小鬼头贼阿爸 bugsy malone
- 贼王 death blow; thief king; uomo da rispettare, un
- 贼偷一更防贼一夜 stay up all night to catch a thief
- 贼王之王 lepke; winner takes all
- 贼偷一更,防贼一夜 stay up all night to catch a thief
- 贼王子 prince of thieves; the vagabond prince
- 贼首领完成了偷手帕的恶作剧 the thief chief achieved the theft of a handkerchief for mischief
- 贼王子-续集 prince of thieves, the sequel
- 贼人胆虚 have a guilty conscience; the evil-doers are always timid [milklivered]
- 贼王子巧遇情僧 the encounter between the prince of thieves and the lovelorn monk
- 贼热 extremely hot
- The cat goes furtively downstairs, winding her lithe tail and licking her lips .
- 贼头贼脑的法语:air louche;mine suspecte;furtif
- 贼头贼脑的日语:〈成〉ふるまいがこそこそしているさま.
- 贼头贼脑的韩语:【성어】 (1)거동이 음흉하다. 두리번거리며 행동이 수상하다. (2)수상한 사람. 악당처럼 보이는 사람.
- 贼头贼脑的俄语:[zéitóu zéinǎo] обр. вороватый; плутоватый
- 贼头贼脑什么意思:zéi tóu zéi nǎo 【解释】形容举动偷偷摸摸,不光明正大。 【示例】他们大凡吃物,不肯大大方方,总是~,躲躲藏藏,背人而食。(清·李汝珍《镜花缘》第十四回) 【拼音码】ztzn 【用法】联合式;作定语;含贬义 【英文】behaving stealthily like a thief