- have a guilty conscience; the evil-doers are always timid [milklivered]
- 胆虚 timid; milk-livered
- 胆虚 asthenia of gallbladder; dan xu gallbladder vacuity; deficiency of the gallbladder; deficiency syndrome of the gallbladder; disheartened
- 胆虚寒 asthenia cold of gallbladder
- 胆虚证 dificiency syndrome of the gallbladder
- 人胆酸 fellic acid
- 胆虚不得眠 [中医] insomnia due to insufficiency of the gallbladder-qi
- 素人胆娘 rhj-023
- 使人胆战心惊 strike terror into sb
- 胆气不足,胆虚气怯 asthenia of cholic qi; cholic asthenia
- 东方人胆管肝炎 oriental cholangiohepatitis
- 令人发毛的,令人胆战心惊的 hairy
- 显然贼人是从这里大摇大摆出去的 obviously the thief had simply walked out this way as bold as brass
- 敌人胆敢进犯我们就给以迎头痛击 if the enemy dare to invade us we'll deal them head on blows
- 敌人胆敢来犯我们就把它消灭 we'll wipe out any enemy that dares to invade our territory
- 贼首领完成了偷手帕的恶作剧 the thief chief achieved the theft of a handkerchief for mischief
- 贼热 extremely hot
- 贼偷一更,防贼一夜 stay up all night to catch a thief
- 贼鹊序曲 la gazza ladra
- 贼偷一更防贼一夜 stay up all night to catch a thief
- 贼去关门 lock the stable door after the horse has been stolen; lock the stable door when the horse is stolen
- 贼头贼脑 behaving stealthily like a thief; treacherous looks; stealthy; furtive
- 贼去才关门 lock the stable door after the horse has been stolen
- 贼王 death blow; thief king; uomo da rispettare, un
- 贼婆子 ccooooll
- 贼人胆虚的韩语:【속담】 나쁜 짓을 한 자가 마음속으로 불안해하다; 도둑이 제 발 저리다. =[贼胆心虚]
- 贼人胆虚什么意思:zéi rén dǎn xū 【解释】比喻做了坏事的人心里总是不踏实。 【示例】这本是鸳鸯戏语,叫他出来,谁知他~,只当鸳鸯已看见他的首尾了。(清·曹雪芹《红楼梦》第七十一回) 【拼音码】zrdx 【用法】主谓式;作宾语、定语;含贬义