

  • call ticket
  • operator ticket
  • ticket



  • 例句与用法
  • With each dialog list ` s collection dot , we adopt different programs about calculating charge , these programs about calculating charge have not only sameness but also differentia
  • We use web technology to design the data integration platform framework based on analysis and comparing the existent data integration methods and the characteristics of architecture
  • It mainly discusses a new method to analyze the malfunction in mlcs using the called data record based on the rs theory . first , the thesis briefly introduces the conception of rs
  • In this paper , we analyse the characteristic of telecom history communication detail records , offer a good method to organize file system with communication detail records data , implement a plan to query file efficiently
  • By the test , the system realizes functions of user authentication , real - time accounting , phone - bill query , etc , which are the basic demands of the voip authenticating and accounting technology
  • Further more , the thesis is based on the customer ' s accounts of the mianyang filiale , china unicom which is idle long time but it includes many information that is worth , just as the time , the frequency to talk of the customer . from this thesis we further understand the action of the customer and we do our plan surely , provide service abundant and then it benefits our company better
  • The platform is made up of five function modules , i . e . operations management module , operator job assistant module , training and checking module , information management module and security management module . the operations management module is the core of the platform , which consists of five subsystems : configuration management subsystem , accounting management subsystem , monitoring management subsystem , operating management subsystem and fault management subsystem
  • Package handling module ( package _ server ) is responsible for assigning all received messages , which can advance real time capability ; communication agent module ( sp _ agent & smc _ agent ) is responsible for communicating with external entities , but does n ' t identify message contents , which can lighten burden of package handling module ; store - and - forward module ( store _ server ) completes store - and - forward mechanism by setting up timer , and implements overtime retransferring and failure handling ; routing module ( route _ server ) is responsible for maintaining the links with the other ismgs to implement routing ; feeing module only consists of some functions which can be called to record message items
    其中,业务处理模块( package _ server )负责分派所有收到的外来消息,提高实时性;通信代理模块( sp _ agent & smc _ agent )负责与外界实体通信,不具体识别消息,可减轻业务处理模块负荷过重的压力;存储转发模块( store _ server )通过设置计时器完成存储转发机制,实现超时重传和失败处理;路由模块( route _ server )负责维护与其他网关的通信链路,实现路由;计费模块只是一些可供调用的函数,用来完成话单记录的功能。
  • The system consist of such main work - station as the charge calculate , consumer manage , 114 information directory desk , 112 fault report , balance / revenue , telephone account inquire / dun , internal 200 , telephone detail search , etc . at the same time , contrasts the new system with the old one in annual maintenance cost , according to the economic analysis
    该系统由计费、机房管理、 114查号、 112故障申告、结算营收、电话查询催缴、内部200 、话单明细查询等主要工作站构成。同时通过简单经济分析,对前后两种管理模式下电话管理所需的年维护费用进行了比较,可以看出,新的管理模式使得维护费用大大降低。
  • During the design process issues , first of c & c08 digital program - controlled switching system in detail and then single format value indicating the careful analysis , then , the main program of the algorithm and delphi translation process , and the main landing interface and the interface design steps , the final design of the whole process of summing up , on the billing system and the improvement and development prospects
    在本课题设计过程中,首先对c & c08数字程控交换系统详细话单格式及取值说明进行了仔细的分析,然后重点介绍了主程序的算法和delphi编译过程,以及登陆界面和主界面的设计步骤,最后对整个设计过程做了总结,并对该计费系统的完善和发展进行了展望。
  • 推荐英语阅读
话单的英文翻译,话单英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译话单,话单的英文意思,話單的英文话单 meaning in English話單的英文话单怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
