- bei jing hua dan yin ci ci hui
- 北京 Beijing; Peking
- 话 word; talk
- 单音词 monosyllabic word; monosylla ...
- 词汇 vocabulary
- 单音词 [语言学] monosyllabic word; monosyllable
- 北京话 beijing dialect
- 同义词词汇 thesaurus
- 词库 近义词词汇 同义词词汇 thesaurus
- 单词词汇话语 words
- 话单 call ticket; operator ticket; ticket
- 地名辞典, 地理名词词汇 geographical dictionary
- 单音 monophonic; monophony; monotone; monotonic; monotony; phone; simple tone; simpletone; single notes; single tone; tone
- 同音词 homonym; homophone; phonetic equivalent
- 话单池 bill pool
- 单音, 单音信号 single tone
- 词汇 [语言学] (语汇) vocabulary; words and phrases 常用词汇 common words; 科技词汇 scientific and technical terms; 词汇表 word list; vocabulary; glossary; 词汇测验 [心理学] vocabulary test; 词汇层 lexemic stratum; 词汇索引 glossarial index; 词汇统计学 lexicostatistics
- 发音词典 pronunciation dictionary
- 同形异音词 sight words
- 同音词典 dictionary of homonyms
- 同音词区分 separation of homonyms
- 正音词典 pronouncing dictionary
- 单音, 纯音 single notes
- 单音程 simple interval
- 单音的 monophonic; monotonic
- 单音频 mono-tone frequency