The crafty man fled from honest work in the cane fields . 那工于心计的人逃避甘蔗园的诚实劳动。
To work honestly pays off in the long run 从长远看,诚实劳动最终是有好结果的。
We should continue to guide and encourage some citizens to become rich through hard working and lawfully handle business 必须继续引导、鼓励一部分人通过诚实劳动和合法经营先富裕起来。
It is getting toward dinner time and people are straggling back to their rooms with that weary , dejected air which comes from earning a living honestly 快到吃饭时间了,人们正三三两两地回屋里去,他们都显得无精打彩、萎靡不振-靠诚实劳动换饭吃的人总是这样的。
In primary distribution , we should pay more attention to efficiency , bringing the market forces into play and encouraging part of the people to become rich first through honest labor and lawful operations 初次分配注重效率,发挥市场的作用,鼓励一部分人通过诚实劳动合法经营先富起来。
In primary distribution , we should pay more attention to efficiency , bringing the market forces into play and encouraging part of the people to become rich first through honest labor and lawful operations 初次分配注重效率,发挥市场的作用,鼓励一部分人通过诚实劳动、合法经营先富起来。
It expounds a unified goal of moral education on the ground of four kinds of education . ( 1 ) the sense of social responsibility education centered on " kindheartedness " ; ( 2 ) the education of honestly working and civilized consume based on hardworking and thrifty ; ( 3 ) contacts and etiquette education with self - cultivation ; ( 4 ) the antifrustration education based on the self - cultivation 从四个教育阐述了坚持一元化的道德教育目标: ( 1 )以“仁爱”为核心的社会责任感教育; ( 2 )以勤俭为基础的诚实劳动和文明消费教育; ( 3 )以自尊互敬为内容的交往礼仪教育; ( 4 )以修养为基础的抗挫折教育。
诚实劳动的韩语:[명사] 각종 법규와 정책이 허가하는 범위에서 종사하는, 사회 발전에 유익한 여러 가지 육체 노동과 정신 노동.