- 的 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...
- 诚实 honest
- 常有的事 happens all the time
- 他的诚实是毫无疑问的 there is no question about his honesty
- 发疯是常有的 it is very common to be driven mad / not rare going crazy seen
- 这是常有的事 as is often the case
- 常有 tsuneari
- 诚实 honest 诚实才是上策。 honesty is the best policy. 他是个诚实的男孩。 he is an honest boy
- 警察和罪犯串通是常有的事情collusion of the police with the criminal is not uncommon
- 常有种 constant species
- 有的 some 有的赞成, 有的反对。 some are in favour of it, some are against it.天气预报有的时候准, 有的时候不准。sometimes the weather forecast is accurate, sometimes not
- 不诚实 dishonesty
- 诚实、不死 honest flexible and easy going
- 诚实的 conscientiou; constant; dinkum; fast; genuine; guileless; heart-to-heart; heart-whole; honest; honourable; jonnick; leal; loyal; sincere; single-eyed; single-hearted; single-minded; truehearted; truthful; upright; veracious - mendacious; verecious; whitehanded
- 诚实地 cordially; genuinely; loyally; sincerely; straight; truly; truthfully; unfeignedly; vereciously
- 太诚实 too honest
- 要诚实 but not too modest
- 正直,诚实 integrity
- 最诚实 uberrimae fidei; utmost good faith
- 确信某人的诚意 be sure of sb.'s sincerity
- 常有丝分裂 eumitosis
- 常有之事 a matter of frequent occurrence; a commonplace matter
- 非常有价值 be of great value
- 非常有可能 very likely
- 非常有礼貌 well-mannered