- 表面 surface; superficies; bounda ...
- 植入 implantation; embedding
- 多平面植入 multiplane implane
- 曲面植入 curved planar implant
- 组织内平面植入 interstitial planar implant
- 面植 face value
- 表面重建植入物 resurfacing implant
- 植入 implantation; embedding◇植入术[法国] [医学] implantation; 植入物 [医学] implant
- 地面植被 ground vegetation cover; ground vegetative cover
- 地面植被层 field stratum; ground stratum
- 石面植物 epilithophyte; exochomophytes; exolithophyte
- 双面植绒 double-faced flocking
- 素面植绒 nylon seersucker taffeta; plain flocking
- 地面植物群落 geophytia
- 露出水面植物 emergent aquatic plant
- 水面植物堆积 sudd
- 植入丸,植入片 pellet implants
- 素面植绒 纺织品英语 plain flocking
- 表面 surface; superficies; boundary; face; rind; sheet; skin; outside; appearance 表面之词 a superficial statement; 表面价值 face value; 粗糙的表面 a rough surface; 光滑的表面 a smooth surface; 地球的表面 the surface of the earth; the face of the earth; 事物的表面 the surface of things; 表面上气壮如牛, 实际上胆小如鼠 outwardly fierce as a bull but inwardly timid as a mouse; 你不能只看事情的表面。 you must not look only at the surface of things. 他那番话不过是表面文章。 he was merely paying lip service
- 包埋,植入 embed
- 核植入 renucleation
- 抗植入 anti implantation; anti-implantation
- 卵植入 implantation of ovum
- 内植入 interstitial implant
- 胚植入 embryonic implantation