But deeper , more threatening forces are also now at play 不过,表面之下确有更多因素正在威胁着公司的发展。
Take time to take a closer look . you ' ll find deeper issues below the surface 走近一步观察,你会发现隐藏在表面之下的问题。
Next , focus just below the surface , and look for tracks . there is one in this focus movie 接下来,聚焦在表面之下,寻找轨迹。这个聚焦影片里有一个轨迹。
It will require one or both to awaken to something that has been hiding beneath the surface 它需要其中一方或双方对于隐藏在表面之下的某种东西幡然醒悟。
All the same , raw and volatile forms of nationalism lurk just beneath a usually placid surface 和往常一样,原始善变的民族主义形式通常潜伏在看似平静的表面之下。
Under the hood , operations on atomic variables get turned into the hardware primitives that the platform provides for concurrent access , such as compare - and - swap 在表面之下,原子变量的操作会变为平台提供的用于并发访问的硬件原语,比如比较并交换。
A hairline fracture in the cola coloured veneer which seperated my cup of tea from the throbbing liquid lava of red disco heaven beneath the surface of the table 在可乐色薄板上的细裂纹,它从桌子表面之下的脉动的红色迪斯科天堂的液体熔岩分开了我喜爱的东西。
So when i translate such kind of play , i am translating the language on the surface on one hand , i am trying to develop and tell people some meaning under the meanings 当我翻译这类作品时,一方面,要翻译出表面的意思,另一方面,我还要尽力把表面之下的涵义挖掘出来。
Seoul : ( 1 ) when two young television stars called it quits only 12 days after their recent wedding , their very public and acrimonious divorce shone a rare spotlight on the underside of marriage in south korea 首尔:韩国两位电视明星在结婚仅仅12天之后宣布离婚,他们激烈的离婚之战引起公众的普遍关注,同时,也将韩国人结婚表面之下不为人知的一些事情摆到了聚光灯下。
In an enterprise environment , you can easily end up adding to this tangle of modules a number of third - party libraries and frameworks , all of which interact and play with each other beneath the surface of the system s day - to - day workings 在一个企业环境中,您最终很容易向这个混乱的模块组合添加许多第三方库和框架,它们全都彼此交互,并在系统日常工作的表面之下相互配合。