- nurse [harbour] a bitter sense of wrong [injustice]; have a simmering sense of injustice
- 衔冤而死 die with one's name uncleared; die with a simmering sense of injustice; die with a bitter sense of wrong
- 衔尾相随 walk in indian file; follow one after another; proceed like a school of fishes one after another; walk one after the other
- 衔着烟斗 have a pipe between one's teeth
- 衔铁止挡 armature stop
- 衔姿势 collection
- 衔铁支枢 armature hinge
- 舷 名词(船的两侧) the side of a ship; board 右舷 starboard; 左舷 port
- 衔铁支承 armature bearing
- 舷[侧外]板列 side strake
- 衔铁振动 armature chatter
- 衔冤的日语:無念の思いを抱く.
- 衔冤的韩语:[동사]【문어】 억울한 죄를 지다. 원죄(冤罪)를 입다. →[含冤]
- 衔冤的俄语:pinyin:xiányuān проглотить обиду; затаить злобу
- 衔冤什么意思:xiányuān 含冤:~负屈。