- 衔铁 armature; anchor; armature i ...
- 振动 vibrate; vibration; vibrance ...
- 薄铁振动片 sheet diaphragm
- 振动衔铁式受话器 rocking armature type receiver
- 铁振国 tie zhenguo
- 衔铁 [电学] armature; anchor; armature iron; reed; keeper◇衔铁振动[颤动] armature chatter
- 边衔铁 flat armature; side armature
- 磁衔铁 magnetic armature
- 动衔铁 moving armature
- 衔铁板 armature card
- 衔铁比 armature ratio
- 衔铁档 armature stop
- 衔铁端 armature end
- 衔铁杆 armature lever
- 衔铁簧 armature spring
- 衔铁间 armature residual gap
- 振动 vibrate; vibration; vibrance; vibrancy; vibra; vibes; shaking; rumble; jitter; chatter; sway; jar; see-saw; tremor; oscillate; vibro- 简谐振动 simple harmonic vibration; 等时振动 isochronous vibration; 每秒振动四十二次 forty vibrations per second; 膜片振动, 这使得周围的空气也动荡起来。 the diaphragm vibrates, thus setting the air around it in motion.; 振动棒 vibrating spear; 振动打椿机 [机械工程] vibratory hammer; 振动捣实 [土] mechanical puddling; vibration puddling; 振动机 bobbing machine; 振动计 [工业] vibrometer; vibration meter; vibrograph; vibroscope; vibratormeter; vibramete; 振动加固 consolidation by vibrating; 振动抹浆法 mortar coating vibrating method; 振动抹浆机 vibro-grouting machine; 振动耐力 vibrational tolerance; 振动片 vibrating reed; 振动频率 vibration frequency; 振动试验 vibration test; 振动试验台 vibration machine; exciter; shaker; 振动台 vibrostand; vibro-bench; bumper; 振动探示器 hunting probe; 振动载荷 oscillating load; 振动噪声 vibration noise; 振动装置 vibrator
- 保磁衔铁 magnetic keeper
- 保磁用衔铁 keeper of a magnet; magnet keeper
- 扁平衔铁 flat armature; flat type armature
- 不带电衔铁 neutral armature
- 侧向衔铁 side armature
- 插棒式衔铁 plunger armature; solenoid armature
- 垂直衔铁 vertical armature
- 磁铁衔铁 armature of electromagnet