- 融 melt; thaw
- 冰 ice
- 流水 running water; stream turnov ...
- 侵蚀 corrode; erode
- 流水侵蚀 fretting; normal erosion; water erosion
- 融冰流 debacle; ice gang; ice-run
- 微振磨损;流水磨蚀,流水侵蚀 fretting
- 水侵蚀 water erosion
- 正常侵蚀 常态侵蚀 流水侵蚀 自然冲刷 normalerosion
- 被海水侵蚀 sea worn
- 跌水侵蚀 water fall erosion; waterfall erosion
- 海水侵蚀 marine corrosion; marine denudation; saltwater intrusion; sea water intrusion; sea-worn
- 河水侵蚀 erodsion of stream; erosion of stream; erosion of strerm
- 洪水侵蚀 flood erosion; pluvial erosion
- 溪水侵蚀 brook erosion
- 被海水侵蚀的 sea-worn
- 海水侵蚀循环 marine cycle
- 海水侵蚀作用 marine denudation
- 雨水侵蚀作用 plurosion
- 冰流 block of ice; glacier flow; ice drift; ice flow; jokula; run of ice
- 融冰 melting ice; sleet melting; thawing
- 水侵 aquifer encroachment; drowning; water encroachment; water influx; water intrusion; water invasion; waterinvasion
- 冰流槽 glacial chute
- 冰流量 ice discharge
- 底冰流 basal iceflow