The results show that the air - agitation plays an important role in discharging characteristics 结果表明,鼓气扰动对外融冰取冷特性起着关键作用。
Most researchers around the world agree that green house gases are to blame for the disappearance of ice 世界上大部分研究者都同意温室气体应为了融冰承担罪责。
Improves the partial charged internal - melt ice storage tank and tests its external - melt characteristics 摘要对原有的不完全冻结式内融冰蓄冰槽进行了外融冰改造及外融取冷实验。
Earlier friday in tokyo , mr . wen said many people believe the aim of his " ice - melting " trip had been achieved 星期五早些时候,温家宝在东京表示,很多人都相信,他这次“融冰之旅”的目的已经达到。
A record ice melt up there is opening new shipping lanes that would greatly cut the amount of time it takes to get goods around the world 这次值得记述的融冰开辟了一条新的航线可使全球运输的时间大大缩短。
Analyses the influence of initial cool thermal storage rate , discharge water flow rate and volume of air - agitation on the discharging characteristics in detail 具体分析了初始蓄冷量、取冷水流量、鼓气量对外融冰取冷性能的影响。
Newspaper aftonbladet said on its website that marita larsson was walking around stockholm ' s old town in early march and took a photo of a swan on the river as a spring thaw melted the ice 瑞典晚报在该报网站上表示,玛瑞塔?拉森在三月初春季河水解冻融冰之际在斯德哥尔摩的老城区步行时,拍摄了一张河中天鹅的照片。
Given the present unusual global warming rate on an already warm planet , we can anticipate that areas with summer melt and rain will expand over larger areas of greenland and fringes of antarctica 在已经很暖的地球加上现在不寻常的全球暖化速率,我们可以预期,在格陵兰与南极的边缘,夏季融冰与降雨的地区会大幅扩张。
A numerical model , based on the control volume method , is developed for the freezing and melting of the ice - on - coil thermal storage tank . the model is able to simulate both charging and discharging modes 建立了不完全冻结方式的导热塑料蓄冰盘管的结冰和融冰过程的数学模型,该模型能够较好地模拟蓄冰盘管的结冰和融冰过程。
Note that the amount of heat required to melt enough ice to raise sea level one meter is about 12 watt - years ( averaged over the planet ) , energy that could be accumulated in 12 years if the planet is out of balance by one watt per square meter 要让海平面上升一公尺所需的融冰热能,全球平均要12瓦特,只要每平方公尺有一瓦特的不平衡量、累积12年,便可达成。