藏书 1.(收藏书籍) collect books 这个图书馆藏书约1万3千册。 this library comprises about 13,000 volumes.2.(所藏的书籍) a collection of books; library 继承藏书虽好, 收集藏书更有意义。 good as it is to inherit a library, it is better to collect one.; 藏书家 book collector; bibliophile; 藏书库 library; 藏书楼 libliotheca; library; 藏书目录 library catalogue; 藏书癖 bibliomania
Make a panda club post magazine holder 小小藏书库:熊猫会报杂志架
By buying ten books every month , he soon accumulated a good library 他每月买十本书,不久便集成一个丰富的藏书库。
Of all the art - related reference and research library in north america , that of the metropolitan museum of an art in new york city is among the largest and most complete 译文:在北美所有与艺术相关的参考性及研究性的藏书库里,纽约的大都会博物馆的藏书是最大最完整的之一。