藏书 1.(收藏书籍) collect books 这个图书馆藏书约1万3千册。 this library comprises about 13,000 volumes.2.(所藏的书籍) a collection of books; library 继承藏书虽好, 收集藏书更有意义。 good as it is to inherit a library, it is better to collect one.; 藏书家 book collector; bibliophile; 藏书库 library; 藏书楼 libliotheca; library; 藏书目录 library catalogue; 藏书癖 bibliomania
差不多 1.(时间、距离上相差有限) almost; nearly; just about 差不多五点了。 it's nearly five o'clock. 他已走了差不多十英里。 he has walked almost ten miles. 这座大楼差不多快完工了。 the building is nearing completion.2.(程度上相差有限) about the same; similar 他们俩高矮差不多。 they two are about the same height. 我的看法和他的差不多。 my opinions are similar to his.3.(过得去) just about right [enough]; not far off; not bad 我们应该力争上游,而不应该有“差不多”的思想。we should aim high and not think “ that's good enough”
" and i wish my collection were larger for your benefit and my own credit ; but i am an idle fellow , and though i have not many , i have more than i ever look into . “要是我的藏书多一些就好啦,无论是为你的益处着想,为我自己的面子着想可是我是个懒鬼,藏书不多,读过的就更少了。 ”