- fort monmouth satellite tracking station
- 蒙 the Mongol nationality
- 茅 cogongrass a surname
- 斯 this
- 堡 a word used in place name
- 卫星 satellite bit; particle
- 卫星观测站 satellite observation station
- 人造卫星观测站 man made satellite monitoring station; man-made satellite monitoring station
- 流星观测站 meteor station
- 卫星观测 satellite observation
- 卫星观测船 satellite observation ship
- 利用卫星观测 satellite observation
- 人造卫星观测 satellite observation
- 蒙茅斯 monmouthshire
- 蒙茅斯郡 monmcutshire; monmouth co; monmuothshire
- 蒙茅斯山 monmouth, mt
- 蒙茅斯县 monmouth county, new jersey
- 蒙茅斯战役 battle of monmouth
- 人造地球卫星观测计划 aesop
- 人造卫星观测研究中心 man made satellite observation center; man-made satellite observation center
- 蒙茅斯章克申 monmouth junction
- 恒星观测 star observation
- 观测站 gaging station; gauge station; layout; observation post; observation station; observatory; observing station; reading station; research station; survey station
- 地球轨道测地卫星观测协调委员会 committee for the coordination of observations associated with geos
- 卫星观察 satellite view
- 卫星观察镜。 moonscope