- 恒星 star
- 观测 observe; observation; viewin ...
- 流星观测站 meteor station
- 卫星观测 satellite observation
- 卫星观测船 satellite observation ship
- 卫星观测站 satellite observation station
- 利用卫星观测 satellite observation
- 人造卫星观测 satellite observation
- 掩星观测计画 taos
- 月掩星观测法 star occultation method
- 月掩星观测仪 instrument occultation
- 国际哈雷彗星观测 international halley watch
- 人造卫星观测站 man made satellite monitoring station; man-made satellite monitoring station
- 彗星掩星观测计画 taos
- 蒙茅斯堡卫星观测站 fort monmouth satellite tracking station
- 人造地球卫星观测计划 aesop
- 人造卫星观测研究中心 man made satellite observation center; man-made satellite observation center
- 月球及行星观测者协会 association of lunar and planetary observers
- 地球轨道测地卫星观测协调委员会 committee for the coordination of observations associated with geos
- 行星观测上位置与计算上位置间的误差 the error of a planet
- 恒星 [天文学] fixed star; star◇恒星大气 stellar atmosphere; 恒星导航 star navigation; stellar guidance; 恒星飞船 starship; 恒星干涉仪 stellar interferometer; 恒星观测 [地测] star observation; 恒星亮度 [天文学] brightness; 恒星脉动 stellar pulsation; 恒星年 sidereal year; 恒星日 sidereal day; 恒星色球 stellar chromosphere; 恒星视差 stellar paralax; 恒星望远镜 [光学] star telescope; 恒星小时 sidereal hour; 恒星耀斑 [天文学] stellar flare; 恒星月 sidereal month; 恒星云 star cloud; 恒星周期 sidereal period
- 观测 observe; observation; viewing 观测气象 make weather observations; 对 ... 作仔细的观测 make a careful observation of ...; 观测天体 take an observation; 观测报告 observation report; 观测点 observation point; observing point; 观测读数 observed reading; 观测队 an expedition of observation; 观测高度 observed altitude; 观测机 observation aeroplane; 观测计 sight gauge; 观测井 inspection well; 观测孔 aperture of sight; observation port; 观测平台 observation platform; 观测器 observer; sight; 观测区 area of observation coverage; 观测哨 observation post; observation point; 观测室 sight chamber; observing cage; 观测数据 observation data; observed data; 观测台 measuring platform; observatory; observing station; 观测天文(学) observational astronomy; 观测望远镜 scope; 观测误差 error in observation; error of observation; malobservation; observation error; 观测线 line of observation; 观测仪 visualizer; 观测资料 observational data
- 卫星观察 satellite view
- 卫星观察镜。 moonscope
- 卫星观察者 moonwatcher