本年度销售(销货)或营业税金 current year tax expense relating to merchandise sales or business operations
本年度销售或营业税金 current year tax expense relating to merchandise sales or business operations
年度 year 财政年度 financial year; fiscal year; 年度报告 annual bulletin [report]; 年度工作量 yearly working volume; 年度结算 annual closing; 年度经费 annual burden; 年度亏损 annual loss; losses in a year; 年度预算 annual budget; 年度帐 annual account; 年度支出预算 budget for expenditures
营业 do business 暂停营业 business temporarily suspended; 商店上午九时开始营业。 the shops open at nine in the morning. 该公司圣诞节停止营业。 the firm closed business for the christmas holiday.; 营业部 business department; sales department; business coordination department; 营业成本 cost of operation; operating cost; cost in business; 营业额 turnover; volume of business; 营业范围 scope and field of business; 营业利润 operating profit; 营业时间 business hours; banking hours (银行); 营业收入 operating income; business income; business earnings; business receipts; operating earnings; operating revenue; proceeds of business; 营业收支 operating expenditure and receipt; 营业项目 item of business; 营业许可证 business permit; 营业员 shop employees; 营业证[执照] business licence; certificate of business; 营业支出 operating expenses; 营业指南 business guide; 营业主任 sales manager; 营业资本 (流动资本) operating capital
企业年金基金 accounting and reporting by retirement benefit plans
Article 30 within two months after the end of each semi - annual business year and within four months after the end of each business year , a company type stock exchange shall report to the commission the business reports and the financial reports which are certified by a certified public accountant , approved by the board of directors and recognized by the supervisors 第30条公司制证券交易所应于每半营业年度终了后二个月内及每营业年度终了后四个月内,向本会申报营业报告书及经会计师查核签证、董事会通过、监察人承认之财务报告。