

  • accounting and reporting by retirement benefit plans



  • 例句与用法
  • The choice of management model of employer pension fund
  • The article sets out from angle of the assets investment mainly , focus on analyzing the investment problem of our country
  • Article 14 the financial statements for the enterprise annuity fund include the balance sheets , net assets change statements and annotations
  • The first part clarifies three concepts : occupational pension , occupational pension plans and occupational pension fund , then analyzes the necessity of setting up and investing the occupational pension fund
  • Article 2 the term " enterprise annuity fund " refers to fund raised by an enterprise in the light of the enterprise annuity plan and the supplementary endowment insurance fund raised by its operating income of investment
  • Article 1 to standardize the confirmation and measurement of enterprise annuity fund and the presentation of financial statements , these standards are formulated in accordance with the accounting standard for business enterprises - basic standards
  • Endowment insurance cost includes to be expended to the primary endowment insurance of pay of orgnaization of social insurance agency according to state specified standards , and plan to complement to what person pay governs related enterprise pension fund according to enterprise annuity insurance premium
  • From the above analysis , we point out the key problems in the development of china ' s occupational pension ( 1 ) the obscure policy for developing the occupational pension ( 2 ) backward laws and rules ( 3 ) lack of preference policy and stimulation mechanism ( 3 ) irregular management ( 4 ) the narrow investment channel of annuity funds and its low efficiency chapter 3 presents the development of the occupational pension in the abroad and its enlightenment on china ' s practice
  • It deserves special attention that fiduciary and managing relationship is original in this paper . although many scholars directly define the relationship between client and fiduciary as trust , this paper specializes the relationship as fiduciary and managing on the consideration of special request of occupational pension fund
  • In addition , we have referred to many valuable experience of the annuity operation in the developed countries . we got such enlightenments ( 1 ) the establishment of occupational pension scheme must be based on the comprehensive laws and rules ( 2 ) the form of the annuity scheme depends on the legislature framework and market environment concerning the schemed payment structure ( 3 ) it must clearly specify the institutions in charge of organizing the annuity scheme , charging fees and payment ( 4 ) the law must specify the investment principles of occupational pension funds ( 5 ) the an
    本章通过对国外企业年金发展经验的介绍,笔者得到如下启示: ( 1 )企业年金制度的建立需要完善的法律法规; ( 2 )年金计划形式取决于与计划待遇结构有关的法律框架和市场环境; ( 3 )要明确规定经办养老金计划的组织和负责计划征缴和待遇管理的机构设立形式; ( 4 )要从法律上规定企业年金基金的投资原则: ( 5 )要通过法律要求保障基金财产安全、保护雇员年金权利; ( 6 )政府需要通过税收优惠政策鼓励雇主和雇员举办企业年金计划。
  • 推荐英语阅读
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