- 菩萨 Bodhisattva Buddha; Buddhist ...
- 佛 the Buddha
- 佛 佛名词1.(佛陀) the buddha 拜佛 worship the buddha2.(修行圆满之人) real buddhist3.(佛教) buddhism 佛海 the wide-open church of buddhism; 信佛 believe in buddhism4.(佛像) statue of the buddha 铜佛 a bronze statue of the buddha
- 菩萨 1.[宗教] bodhisattva2.(佛; 神) buddha; buddhist idol3.(心肠慈善的人) a term applied to a kindhearted person
- 涅磐(佛) nirvana
- 净土宗(佛) sekte f.des reinen landes
- 释加牟尼(佛) shakyamuni
- 大菩萨 bodhisattva-mahāsattva a great bodhisattva
- 金菩萨 the golden buddha; zyprexa
- 泥菩萨 clay idol
- 菩萨乘 among the buddhas and bodhisattvas by the six pāramitās
- 菩萨地 bodhisattvahood
- 菩萨河 pouthisat stoeng; stoeng pouthisat; stung pouthisat
- 菩萨境 bodhisattvahood see the
- 菩萨省 khet pouthisat; khet pursat; pouthisat khet; pursat khet; pursat province
- 菩萨相 ladyface
- 菩萨像 avalokitesvara
- 菩萨行 bodhisattva-carya
- 菩萨鱼 paradise fish meat
- 天菩萨 tian pu sa
- 八大菩萨 bodhisattva
- 八大菩萨经 translated by faxian and there are other groups
- 本化四菩萨 of the lotus sutra named
- 慈生菩萨 the director or fosterer of pity among all the living i.e. the fifth in the
- 大悲菩萨 guanyin the bodhisattva of great pity