慈生菩萨 the director or fosterer of pity among all the living i.e. the fifth in the
In addition , the myriapod s actions demonstrated its longing for spiritual nourishment , regardless of any difficulties or risks it might have encountered . in retrospect , if we fellow initiates , who are already bodhisattvas , still listen to our minds and make excuses for not attending group meditation , we are really unworthy of our precious human body and the grace that master has bestowed on us 其次,这只小虫的行为显示出,它为了渴求获得灵性食粮,丝毫不在意种种的艰难与危险,反观我们身为已登菩萨地的观音法门修行者,如果仍受凡夫头脑的牵制而找种种藉口不叁加共修的话,实在枉费宝贵的人身和师父赐予我们的恩典。