Liming materials - determination of calcium content - oxalate method ; german version en 13475 : 2001 石灰处理材料.钙含量的测定.草酸酯法;德文版本en 1
Recent progresses in the study on the conversion of syngas to ethylene glycol , including direct synthesis by syngas and indirect synthesis by methanol and formaldehyde or oxalate , are introduced 摘要介绍了合成气合成乙二醇的工艺进展情况,包括合成气直接合成法、甲醇甲醛合成法和草酸酯法等。
Based on the fact and anticipation of high crude oil price , and comparison of various synthesizing routes , it is suggested that the routes using methanol and formaldehyde or oxalate as the intermediums should be developed according to the recent economical and technological conditions 在比较不同工艺路线的同时,从现有的经济技术条件出发,尤其是根据原油价格高涨的实际情况和预期,提出了大力发展甲醇甲醛合成法和草酸酯法合成乙二醇的战略思路。