Figure 2 : add sodium oxalate into filtered water , the water remain transparent and clear 以草酸钠粉末加入过滤水中,呈透明状。
Figure 1 : add sodium oxalate into tap water and few minutes later , at the bottom of container white sediment appears 以草酸钠粉末加入自来水中,数分钟后,容器底部有白色沉淀物。
Place sodium oxalate powder into tap water will have white sediment and take it to claim that the tap water is too hard or unclean and that would cause calculus in urine tract 以草酸钠粉末加入自来水中产生白色沉淀,称自来水不洁或硬度过高容易导致人体泌尿系统结石。
Calcium and magnesium ion are naturally contained in tap water and when sodium oxalate powder is added into tap - water , the reaction will generate white sediment of calcium oxalate . filter can remove such ion 真相剖析自来水中含有天然钙镁等离子,加入草酸钠粉末,反应生成草酸钙白色沉淀物,滤水器可去除上述离子。