- seek momentary ease in an isolated place
- 苟安 seek momentary ease; be cont ...
- 一隅 a corner
- 苟安一时 gain some respite for oneself; seek security for a time
- 偏安一隅 be content to exercise sovereignty over a part of the country
- 苟安 seek momentary ease; be content with temporary ease and comfort
- 一隅 a corner 一隅之见 a glance from a corner
- 安一 anichi; yasuichi; yasukazu
- 安一郎 yasuichiro
- 王安一 wang anyi
- 苟安定理 [经] piggy axiom
- 妥协苟安 seek a respite through compromises
- 一时苟安 gain temporary ease
- 大地一隅 a place in the land
- 局促一隅 be cramped in a corner -- confined in a small place
- 困守一隅 be hemmed in a corner
- 僻处一隅 live in a remote corner eccentric
- 迫至一隅 corner
- 填凑一隅 crowding together in a corner
- 退据一隅 withdraw into a corner
- 一隅三反 deduce by analogy; draw inferences from one instance; from one learn all; infer other things from one fact; judge the whole from one sample; learning by analogy one can think for himself
- 一隅之地 a small plot of land
- 一隅之见 a glance from a corner
- 株守一隅 the trunk stands in a corner
- 坐困一隅 be impoverished at one corner
- 囿于一隅 limited in the knowledge of a narrow corner; be restricted to a narrow confine
- 苟安一隅什么意思:gǒu5ān-yīyú [seek momentary ease in an isolated place] 当权者只顾本身安居一地,不顾国家民族安危 朝廷听信奸言,希图苟安一隅,无用兵之志。――《说岳全传》