- deduce by analogy; draw inferences from one instance; from one learn all; infer other things from one fact; judge the whole from one sample; learning by analogy one can think for himself
- 一隅 a corner 一隅之见 a glance from a corner
- 三反 three-anti/five-anti campaigns
- 老三反 movement against the old "three evils,"i.e.,the struggle launched in 1951 against corruption,waste and bureaucracy
- 三反崎 misorizaki; mitanzaki; sandanzaki; santansaki
- 三反田 mitanda; santanda
- 大地一隅 a place in the land
- 苟安一隅 seek momentary ease in an isolated place
- 局促一隅 be cramped in a corner -- confined in a small place
- 困守一隅 be hemmed in a corner
- 僻处一隅 live in a remote corner eccentric
- 偏安一隅 be content to exercise sovereignty over a part of the country
- 迫至一隅 corner
- 填凑一隅 crowding together in a corner
- 退据一隅 withdraw into a corner
- 一隅之地 a small plot of land
- 一隅之见 a glance from a corner
- 株守一隅 the trunk stands in a corner
- 坐困一隅 be impoverished at one corner
- 囿于一隅 limited in the knowledge of a narrow corner; be restricted to a narrow confine
- 三反分子 three-anti/five-anti campaigns
- 三反基金 africa fund
- 三反四复 repeat once again; change attitudes constantly; vacillating in attitude
- 三反运动 (1951-1952) movement against three evils (corruption, waste and bureaucracy)
- 一逾两呆 pass overdue idle&badloans
- 一雨成秋 a sudden shower turns the lingering heat into the brisk cool air of autumn.; after a rainfall the weather turns cool as if it were autumn
- 一愚所失 a fool knows more in his own house than a wise man in another; a friend is not so soon gotten as lost
- 一隅三反的日语:〈成〉 等同于(请查阅) jǔ yī fǎn sān 【举一反三】
- 一隅三反的韩语:【성어】 한 가지 일로부터 다른 것을 미루어 알다. 하나를 보고 열을 알다. =[举jǔ一反三]
- 一隅三反的俄语:pinyin:yīyúsānfǎn по части судить о целом
- 一隅三反什么意思:yī yú sān fǎn 【解释】从一件事物的情况、道理类推而知道许多事物的情况、道理。 【出处】《论语·述而》:“举一隅不以三隅反,则不复也。” 【拼音码】yysf 【用法】联合式;作谓语、宾语;指善于类推