各立门户,各自为政 set up its own organ and act on its own will
各立门户各自为政 set up its own organ and act on its own will
自立 stand on one's own feet; support oneself; earn one's own living
门户 1.(门) door:门户紧闭 with the doors tightly shut; 当心门户! mind the door!2.(必经要地) gateway; important passageway:和东方进行贸易的门户 the gateway for trade with the orient3.(派别) faction; sect4.(门第) family status
The little gentlewoman might set up for herself if she pleased . 这位小贵妇人如果高兴,现在可以自立门户了。
That ' s the day we started our own business and said goodbye 那天以后,我们自立门户
Once it ' s finished , i ' m striking out on my own 铁路完成后,我就自立门户了
Because they wanted to go on their own .因为他们想自立门户
I ' m proud you cast your own stone . 我很高兴你自立门户”
Henry steiner was quick to take advantage of the wide open market and established his own design firm graphic communication ltd . in 1961 石先生觑准时机,于一九六一年自立门户,成立图文传意有限公司。
The top - notched graphic designer and corporate identity consultant began his career in new york . he came to hong kong in 1960 and founded his own company later 他于一九五七年在纽约开展他的个人事业,六零年来港发展,其后自立门户,成立石汉瑞设计公司。
" our results also indicate that while founders are more likely to leave to found another organization , they are not more likely to leave to become employees of other organizations , " says dobrev 他说: “我们的研究显示,公司创办人更容易自立门户,成立新的公司,而不是受雇于其他公司。
Many of its films had zhu credited as director - in - chief , though real work was executed by co - directing newcomers . after a few outings , those neophytes were experienced enough to run things on their own 凤凰很多出品都挂朱石麟总导演之名,而实际执行的则是联合导演的新人,几部片下来,新人便可自立门户,独立执导演筒了。
When the labourer maintains himself by funds of his own , as when a peasant - farmer or proprietor lives on the produce of his land , or an artisan works on his own account , they are still supported by capital , that is , by funds provided in advance 当劳动者靠自己的资金为生,当自耕农靠自己的土地产品生活或工匠自立门户工作时,他们依然是靠资本为生,也就是靠预先准备好的资金为生。