- 腓肠肌 gastrocnemius
- 痉挛 spasm; convulsions
- 腓肠肌 calf muscle; gastrocnemius muscle; gastrocnemiusmuscle; musculi gastrocnemius
- 肌痉挛 muscle cramp; myo asm; myospasm; spasmus muscularis
- 内侧腓肠肌 medial gastrocnemius
- 小腿腓肠肌 muscle of the calf of leg
- 腓肠肌动脉 asurales
- 腓肠肌囊 bursa of gastrocnemius; bursae musculi gastrocnemii
- 腓肠肌萎缩 acnemia
- 腓肠肌内侧囊 bursae musculi gastrocnemii medialis; bursae subtendinea musculus gastrocnemii medialis
- 腓肠肌内侧头 caput mediale muscul gastrocnemii; caput mediale musculi gastrocnemii; medial gastrocnemius muscle; medial head of gastrocnemius muscle
- 腓肠肌退缩术 gastrocnemius recession; gastrocnemius recssion
- 腓肠肌外侧囊 bursae musculi gastrocnemii lateralis; bursae subtendinea musculus gastrocnemii lateralis; external postgenual bursa
- 腓肠肌外侧头 caput laterale muscul gastrocnemii; caput laterale musculi gastrocnemii; lateral head of gastrocnemius muscle
- 腓肠肌延长术 lengthening of gastrocnemius muscle
- 喉肌痉挛 laryngeal spasm; laryngismus
- 环咽肌痉挛 cricopharyngeal spasm; spasm of the cricopharyngeus muscle
- 肌痉挛状态 muscle spasticity; muscular spasticity
- 急性肌痉挛 acute muscle spasm
- 嚼肌痉挛 spasmus masticatorius
- 颈肌痉挛 trachelismus
- 咀嚼肌痉挛 tetanus of the lower jaw
- 括约肌痉挛 sphincterismus
- 慢性肌痉挛 chronic muscle spasm
- 面肌痉挛 facial spasm; mimic convulsion; mimic spasm