- 内 inner; inside; within
- 侧 slant; sloping
- 腓肠肌 gastrocnemius
- 腓肠肌内侧囊 bursae musculi gastrocnemii medialis; bursae subtendinea musculus gastrocnemii medialis
- 腓肠肌内侧头 caput mediale muscul gastrocnemii; caput mediale musculi gastrocnemii; medial gastrocnemius muscle; medial head of gastrocnemius muscle
- 腓肠肌内侧腱下囊 bursa subtendinea musculi gastrocnemii medialis
- 腓肠肌内侧囊,腓肠肌内侧头腱下囊 bursa musculi gastrocnemii medialis; medial bursa of gastrocnemius muscle
- 腓肠肌 calf muscle; gastrocnemius muscle; gastrocnemiusmuscle; musculi gastrocnemius
- 腓肠肌内侧头腱下囊 subtendinoud bursa of medial head of gastrocnemius; subtendinous bursa of medial head of gastroenemius
- 小腿腓肠肌 muscle of the calf of leg
- 腓肠肌动脉 asurales
- 腓肠肌痉挛 sural spasm; systremma
- 腓肠肌囊 bursa of gastrocnemius; bursae musculi gastrocnemii
- 腓肠肌萎缩 acnemia
- 内髁上囊,腓肠肌内侧头腱下囊 internal supracondyloid bursa; medial supracondyloid bursa
- 腓肠肌退缩术 gastrocnemius recession; gastrocnemius recssion
- 腓肠肌外侧囊 bursae musculi gastrocnemii lateralis; bursae subtendinea musculus gastrocnemii lateralis; external postgenual bursa
- 腓肠肌外侧头 caput laterale muscul gastrocnemii; caput laterale musculi gastrocnemii; lateral head of gastrocnemius muscle
- 腓肠肌延长术 lengthening of gastrocnemius muscle
- 股二头腓肠肌囊 var. b. bicipitogastrocnemialis; var. bicipitogastrocnemialis
- 坐式腓肠肌训练 seated calf
- 腓肠肌胫侧头囊 capitis tibialis m. gastrocnemii
- 腓肠肌外侧囊,腓肠肌外侧头腱下囊 bursa musculi gastrocnemii lateralis; lateral bursa of trocnemius muscle
- 半膜腓肠肌囊,半膜肌囊 semimembranous bursa
- 脊肌萎缩伴腓肠肌肥大 spinal muscular atrophy with calf hypertrophy