- (正直, 不同于流俗) straightforward and outstanding -- not like ordinary men
- 耿介 honest and frank; upright
- 拔 pluck; pull out; pull up; dr ...
- 俗 custom; convention
- 耿介 kosuke
- 耿介滴 candid; just
- 拔俗超群 be far above the common and exceed the crowd
- 超尘拔俗 1.overcome material desires; above this mortal life and overtopping the man's world -- a well-cultivated mind2.tower above the rest; (rise) above the average; be raised above the rest of mankind; transcend the worldly; outshine all the others
- 彼尧舜之耿介兮 like fragrant prickly ash and cinnamon
- 耿精忠 geng jingzhong; keng ching-chung
- 耿解萍 geng xieping
- 耿俊奇 junqi geng
- 耿建跃 geng jianyue
- 耿康 kang geng
- 耿建国 geng jianguo
- 耿克 ke geng
- 耿家湾 gengjiawan