- Ⅰ名词
1.(风俗) custom; convention 短语和例子
移风易俗 break with old customs; bring about a change in morals and mores; 入乡随俗。 when in rome do as the romans do.2.(没出家的人) secular; lay 短语和例子
僧俗 monks and laymen; clergy and laityⅡ形容词
1.(大众的; 普遍流行的) popular; common 短语和例子
通俗 popular (language, style, etc.)2.(庸俗; 俗气) vulgar 短语和例子
脱俗 free from vulgarity; 衣着不俗 in fashion; a style that is not much worn
- 肌醇[俗 inosite; inositol
- (俗)冷藏船,冰箱 reefer n
- 发满[俗][漆病 feeding; livering
- 帽,雷管(俗) cap
- 膨土,皂土(俗) bentonite
- 溶纤剂[俗 ethyl glycol
- 俗](木材)虎皮纹 fiddle back figure
- 俗]疙疸漆 pebble finish
- 油干料[俗 oil drier
- 桩帽,雷管(俗) cap
- 做旧[俗][大漆 antique finish
- 除屑机, 复榨机[俗 juice straining carrier
- 丁基溶纤剂[俗 ethylene glycol mono-butyl ether
- 网膜脂, 网油, [俗]花油 caul fat; veil fat
- 菜用甜菜, [俗]紫菜头 garden beet
- 钮 扣 夹 ( 俗 称 钮 蟹 ) clamp
- 足 踝 骨 (俗 称 脚 眼) ankle bone
- 啡 色 制 图 纸 ( 俗 称 鸡 皮 纸 ) brown paper
- 复 写 纸 (俗 称 过 底 纸 ) carbon paper
- 肌肉间脂肪, 夹花(脂), [俗]五花(肥)肉 intra-muscular fat
- 肌肉组织内脂肪, [俗]五花 tissue-like fat
- 琼脂水果软糖, [俗]水晶软糖 agar fruit jelly
- 酥鲫鱼 crispy crucian carp
- 酥炸鲮鱼球 cri y fried dace balls; crispy fried dace balls
- 俗不可耐 too vulgar to be endured; meretricious; rococo; unbearably vulgar; unbearably common
- 酥炸鲫鱼罐头 ca ed fried silver carp; canned fried silver carp
- He is too lofty to stoop to vulgar intrigue .
他的清高使他还不至于屈就卑俗的勾当。 - No curb was put either on her words or actions .
她说话和行动都随心所俗,不加拘束。 - The wives of his friends were not inspiring to look upon .
他朋友的太太们看起来都是庸脂俗粉。 - Some of these secular priests were ignorant, bumptious .
那些俗里俗气的神父中有些人一窍不通,自以为是。 - In rare instances, "inversion" cannibalism has also occurred .
在罕见的例子中,也会出现“同性恋”的食人俗。 - "did you see this?" he asked, pointing to a lurid cartoon .
“看这个了吗?”他边问,边用手指着一幅俗里俗气的漫画。 - His only peculiarity, was a habit of wearing impossibly gaudy neckties .
他唯一的怪癖就是佩带俗得令人不敢置信的领带。 - It is a unique life-style, a unique and distinctive place to live .
这是一种非同凡响的生活方式,是一个超群出俗的居住之处。 - All whom he praises are bostonians; other writers are barbarians .
他所吹捧的全都是波士顿人,其他作家一概被斥之为村野俗夫。 - In textile areas it has long been customary for mothers to go out to work .
- 俗的法语:名 coutume;convention陈规旧~les conventions périmées et les vieilles coutumes. 形 1.populaire;commun~话langage(locution)populaire 2.vulgaire;trivial~不可耐être extrêmement vulgaire;être d'une vulgarité insuppo...
- 俗的日语:(1)風俗.風習. 土俗/地方の風俗.卑俗な風俗. 移 yí 风易 yì 俗/(社会の)古い習わしや風俗を改める. 入境问俗/他国に入るときはまずその風俗を尋ねよ. (2)通俗的な.大衆的な. 等同于(请查阅)俗名. 等同于(请查阅)俗话. 通 ting 俗/わかりやすい.大衆性がある. 雅 yǎ 俗共赏 shǎng /玄人も素人もともに楽しめる. (3)俗っぽい. 等同于(请查阅)俗气. 俗不可...
- 俗的韩语:(1)[명사] 풍속. 관습. 土俗; 토속 风俗; 풍속 习俗; 습속. 풍속과 관습 民俗; 민속 良风美俗; 미풍양속 移风易俗; 낡은 풍속(風俗)을 고치다 入境问俗; 다른 나라에 들어가서는 그곳의 풍속을 묻다 (2)[형용사] 대중적이다. 통속적이다. 通俗读物; 통속적인 도서(圖書) (3)[형용사] 저속하다. 속되다. 저급(低級)하다. 용속(庸俗...
- 俗的俄语:[sú] 1) обычай; нравы 旧俗 [jiùsú] — старые нравы и обычаи 2) популярный; простонародный 3) вульгарный; примитивный 4) тк. в соч. мирянин; мирской • - 俗话 - 俗气 - 俗套 - 俗语
- 俗什么意思:sú ㄙㄨˊ 1)社会上长期形成的风尚、礼节、习惯等:~尚。风~。习~。约定~成(指某种事物是由群众通过长期实践而认定形成)。 2)大众化的,最通行的,习见的:~名。~语。~曲。雅~共赏。 3)趣味不高的,令人讨厌的:~气。~物。鄙~。粗~。庸~。 4)凡世间,相对于仙佛僧道:~人。世~。僧~。凡夫~子。 ·参考词汇: common convention custom secul...
- 俗とは意味:俗 ぞく mark in dictionary indicating slang customs manners the world worldliness vulgarity mundane things the laity