动词 (封闭, 常用在信封上寄信人姓名后) seal; close 短语和例子
信封上写着“王缄”。 on the envelope is written: “from wang”
缄锭,拉丝锭 wire bar缄口 [书面语] keep one's mouth shut; hold one's tongue; say nothing 缄口不答 make no reply at all; 缄口不言 keep silent; hold one's tongue; keep silence; keep silent and say nothing; seal one's lips and say nothing; keep one's mouth shut and say nothing; 缄口结舌 bite the lip or tongue缄口不答 make no reply at all缄口不言 kesilent and say nothing缄口不言的 close-mouthed
The envelope ' s seal was torn open 信封封缄 被撕开了。 On convicting the act of taking away the property from a sealed entrusted thing 密取封缄 委托物内财物行为的定罪 Sealed with a kiss . . . . 以吻来封缄 … … Sealed with a kiss 以吻封缄 I will send you all my love ( / dreams ) everyday in a letter sealed with a kiss 我将每天把我的爱情(梦境)装进以吻封缄 的信封里送给你。 Daddy wrote that he sealed his return letters by rekissing her lipstick kiss 父亲写道,他的回信也都是以吻封缄 ,他回吻母亲吻下的口红。 Each of my mother ' s letters was sealed with her 1944 magenta lipstick kiss 我母亲的每一封信都是以吻封缄 ,她用她1944年的红紫色口红吻我父亲。 It seems as through your eyes had flown away and it seems that a kiss had sealed your mouth 好像你的目光已经游离而去如同一个吻,封缄 了你的嘴 Call it the " double wrist lock " or a " ude garami " or whatever it ' s the same thing 无论叫“双腕锁擒”或者“腕缄 ”或者随便什么名字,它都是同一个东西! But there are many problems in the outside environment of small area in middle - sized and small cities 然而在中小缄 市的居住小区室外环境却存在这样那样的问题。
缄的法语 :动 fermer;cacheter;sceller~封sceller une lettre缄的日语 :缄jiān (=封闭 fēngbì )閉じる.封をする.▼手紙の封筒の差出人の下によくこの字を書く. 王缄/王より.缄的韩语 :(1)[동사] (편지를) 봉하다. 붙이다. [편지 봉투의 발신인 이름 뒤에 상용됨] 粘nián上糨子把信缄上; 풀을 발라서 편지를 봉하다 上海刘缄; 상해(上海)에 사는 유(劉) 드림 (2)[명사]【문어】 서신(書信). 편지. (3)[양사]【문어】 통. [편지를 세는 데 쓰임] ※주의 : 현대 구어(口語)는 ‘封’을 씀. (4)[동사] 입을 다물다....缄的俄语 :pinyin:(缄 сокр. вм. 緘) 1) связывать, обвязывать 2) запечатывать (письмо, пакет) 3) заткнуть (рот); молчать; заставить замо... 缄什么意思 :(緘) jiān ㄐㄧㄢˉ 1)捆东西的绳索。 2)书信:~素。~扎。 3)封,闭:~口。~制(封锁)。~封。~密。~默。 ·参考词汇: close seal 缄口结舌 齰舌缄脣 三缄其口 缄默 金人之缄 石缄金匮 金人三缄 缄口不言 缄口 守瓶缄口