- 结帐 settle accounts; square acco ...
- 整理 arrange; put in order; reorg ...
- 赊帐整理 mark up marshalling
- 结帐 settle accounts; square accounts; balance the books; close accounts; close the book 一年一度的结帐 an annual closing of accounts; 我应在本季度末前到银行结帐。 i should manage to square accounts with the bank before the end of the quarter.; 结帐记录 closing entries; 结帐日期 closing date; 结帐整理 closing adjustment
- 整理 arrange; put in order; reorganize; sort out; straighten out; tidy; trim 整理财政 regulate finances; 整理参考资料 sort out the reference materials; 整理行装 pack one's things for a journey; 整理房间 put a room in order; tidy (up) the room; 整理文化遗产 sort out and select from our cultural heritage; 整理化石 dress fossils
- 查明,结帐 check out
- 付帐, 结帐 settle a bill
- 结帐, 决算 closing account
- 结帐, 算帐 reckon accounts
- 结帐,结算 closing account
- 结帐,清算 settlement
- 结帐,转下 carry down
- 结帐处 accounts office; checkout counter; check-ucounter; one has chosen
- 结帐单 billing statement
- 结帐日 average sheet date; balance sheet date; day of reckoning; period closing date
- 已结帐 closed account
- 推定结帐, 视同结帐, 构成结帐 constructive closing
- 结帐手续, 结帐程序 closing procedure
- 半年结帐 half yearly closing
- 冻结帐号 das konto sperren
- 冻结帐户 blockade account; blocked account; frozen account
- 航次结帐单 triaccount sheet
- 合并结帐 consolidatedsettlement of accountss
- 合单结帐 one bill for all
- 结算,结帐,收盘 closing