- 查明 make sure
- 结帐 settle accounts; square acco ...
- 查明 prove through investigation; find out; ascertain 查明事实真相 find out truth; ascertain the facts; 立即查明 ascertain instantaneously; 查明有罪 find guilty; 现己查明 it has been established that; investigation reveals that; 确切地查明参加游园会的人 ascertain exactly who were at the garden party
- 结帐 settle accounts; square accounts; balance the books; close accounts; close the book 一年一度的结帐 an annual closing of accounts; 我应在本季度末前到银行结帐。 i should manage to square accounts with the bank before the end of the quarter.; 结帐记录 closing entries; 结帐日期 closing date; 结帐整理 closing adjustment
- 查出;查明 find out
- 查明,发现 find out
- 查明,确定 ascertain
- 查明,了解 find out
- 查明;结账 check out
- 查明白 make sure
- 据查明 found out
- 可查明 detectable-can be discovered or ascertained the existence presence or fact
- 确定,查明 ascertain
- 探知,查明 find out
- 未查明 nf; not found
- 向…查明 be clarified with
- 找出,查明 find out
- 付帐, 结帐 settle a bill
- 结帐, 决算 closing account
- 结帐, 算帐 reckon accounts
- 结帐,结算 closing account
- 结帐,清算 settlement
- 结帐,转下 carry down
- 结帐处 accounts office; checkout counter; check-ucounter; one has chosen
- 结帐单 billing statement